Italian Marble; Limestone Heat Cold Rain Resistant

Italian Marble; Limestone Heat Cold Rain Resistant

Italian marble in Bangalore is named after a Greek word that means “bright and transparent” , it refers to stones that are composed of crystalline and transparent layers

Italian Marble in Bangalore

Italian marble in Bangalore is a type of limestone that can be found in different colors

White marble has been used in building construction since ancient times

Egyptians and Greeks used this stone to build their temples

This stone is resistant to heat, cold, and rain

When limestone is subjected to high heat and pressure in the depths of the earth for a long time, it transforms into marble

The main ingredient in marble is calcium carbonate

Some types of marble have 99% calcium carbonate

The presence of aluminum and magnesium salts in marble causes color variation in it

Pure marble is completely white

 Italian Marble; Limestone Heat Cold Rain Resistant

Italian Marble Features in Bangalore

In general, each stone has its own look and feel because of the minerals it is made of and how it is formed

Now, one of the best and worst things about marble is that it is soft and easily broken


White Color Usage
Building Construction

Main Feature
Soft and Easily Broken

Purchas Guide
Compressive Strength of 300 KG/CM

Price Determination
Size, Thickness, Quality Grade and Sorting

Marble in Bangalore is one of the most expensive building stones, but because of its bright theme and cold nature

Besides helping to cool the space, this stone increases blood oxygen

Italian Marble has many advantages that have made these stones more and more popular among architects

Among the other features of this stone, we can mention its extraordinary beauty and brilliance, acceptable lightness and weight, high moldability and subduction, and its being the best stone for decorative purposes

 Italian Marble; Limestone Heat Cold Rain Resistant

Buy Italian Marble in Bangalore

When buying marble, it is better to have information about the stone

Italian marble in Bangalore and the other countries used for building interiors must have a compressive strength of at least 300 kg/cm

The purchased stone should be free of cracks, grooves, fractures, loose veins, and decay

Also, pay attention to the type of stone used and the use of the place

It is better to talk to the seller about these points when you enter the shop so that you can choose the best-quality marble

If you buy from online shops, you should contact sales experts

The best way to buy marble stones is to go to factories or buy them directly online

 Italian Marble; Limestone Heat Cold Rain Resistant

Italian Marble Price in Bangalore + Buy and Sell

There is no fixed price for this particular stone because it is almost impossible for two marble slabs to be exactly the same in terms of appearance and quality

Even if they come from the same quarry

The price of marble depends on many things, such as the design and color of the stone, its size and thickness, its quality grade, and how it is sorted

The price of these stones in Bangalore is about $60

It is better to go to reliable stores or online shops where they sell different types of marble stones with different uses

So, contact us to buy Italian marble in bulk

 Italian Marble; Limestone Heat Cold Rain Resistant

The Answer to Two Questions About Italian Marble

1: Is marble from Italy expensive?
Italian marble in India costs between 150 and 900 per sq

2: Is the marble in Italy real marble?
Italian marble is crystal-like and glossy