Granite Marble Price in India

Granite Marble Price in India

It’s good to learn that Granite Marble in India helps to cool the room and increases the amount of oxygen in the blood

Granite Marble in India

Granite marble is a calcareous metamorphic stone and is formed from the metamorphosis of limestone

The main mineral that makes up marble is calcite (caco3), which is also found in other limestones such as limestone and travertine

The color variation of this stone is based on the type and amount of impurities

For example, yellow or brown color is caused by hydrated iron oxide, red or pink is caused by anhydrous or dehydrated iron oxide,
And gray is also caused by the presence of manganese and coal materials

In general, granite marble is often yellow-brown in color

It can be found in white, light to dark yellow, honey, red or light to dark green colors

 Granite Marble Price in India

Granite Marble Features in India

One of the best and worst things about granite marble is that it is very soft and easily broken

Granite marble is a type of stone that lets light through


Granite Marble
Is a Calcareous Metamorphic Stone

Made of
Is Formed from the Metamorphosis of Limestone

Main Mineral
Calcite (CACO3)

Based on the Type and Amount of Impurities

This is one of the most obvious things that sets it apart from other building stones

Granite marble is one of the most expensive building stones,
But because it is bright and cold, it helps to cool the room, increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, and gives the room a calm feeling

This stone, which is one of the most high-quality and rare building stones, due to its high polishability

If used in luxury and luxurious places, with its high polish and mirror, it greatly contributes to the beauty of the space

 Granite Marble Price in India

Buy Granite Marble in India

Granite marble is a suitable stone for different parts of the building

But before making a purchase, you should pay attention to some important points

To buy granite marble, you need to know which indicators to compare: Compare the physical and chemical properties of granite with other stones

Each stone has a different analysis and composition

Their physical and chemical properties can be checked by analyzing them

Compare the color and design of the stones

You should know what colors and designs each stone has

In this case, you have found a guide to buy granite

 Granite Marble Price in India

Granite Marble Price in India + Buy and Sell

The prices of granite marble stones are different from each other

For example, the price of white granite marble is different from the price of pink marble

Also, the price of blue granite marble is higher than other marbles due to its rarity

The normal price of granite marble start from $ 0
79 per sq feet

But you can buy this great stone from our website with lower price

We sell in bulk and ship it to the customer in his premises in a short time

Please click the button down bellow to contact our agent and place your order now

 Granite Marble Price in India

The Answer to Two Questions About Granite Marble

1: What are some issues of granite marble?
Heat damage, chips and fissures, hazing

2: What is the maintenance of granite marble?
Just use a soft cloth to dust the surface, or wipe it down with plain water or a mild soap