Zandu Honey 1 kg, which Changes the Color of the Eyes

According to Webda; The food industry zandu honey 1kg expert of Yazd University of Medical Sciences noted: The consumption of honey in children and the elderly is very important due to its rapid digestion and absorption.

Honey does not cause fermentation due to its rapid absorption in the digestive system. The presence of free acids in honey causes the absorption of fatty substances and compensates for iron deficiency.

Ali Akbar Kamali Ardakani stated that natural honey has been used in the treatment of many diseases since the past and continued: The most important property of natural honey is its anti microbial properties.

\while honey is a completely edible substance and is a good environment. to grow microbes, but the microbes are destroyed when exposed to honey and their bodies are also destroyed over time.

because natural honey contains antibiotics and diastase enzyme.

He added: Natural honey contains antioxidants, so its consumption is beneficial for cardiovascular health. Honey helps skin health and is anti aging. Although natural honey is very swee.


, it is not harmful to teeth and gums; Rather, it makes the gums healthy and whitens the teeth.

Pointing out that honey is a healthy, easy digest, natural and energetic food, Kamali said: four-fifths of honey’s weight is carbohydrates, and the rest is made up of protein, mineral salts, aromatic elements, enzymes, vitamins and water.

This senior food industry expert said: Every 100 grams of honey produces 330 kilocalories of energy, so honey is a tonic and energizing food and melts the fats around the heart with the help of diastases.

For this reason, it is recommended for the elderly and heart patients.

He considered increasing the body’s natural energy as one of the properties of honey and said: Many athletes use honey in their diet to increase their energy.

Although its calorie level is 40% lower compared to other sugary substances, its energy is very high and its balanced consumption does not add to body weight.

Kamali mentioned the prevention of cancer and heart diseases among other properties of honey and noted: Many people are afraid of getting cancer.

but by using honey in their daily diet, they can remove this fear from their hearts.

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