The Pirates who Stole Sunflower Seeds in Zimbabwe and Teeth from the Captain’s Ship

Sunflower flower, in addition to its beauty, has a fruit called sunflower seed in zimbabwe which is considered one of the most important and popular plant products.

Trade in the field of export and import of sunflower seeds is very common in our country and has a very high profit for traders and merchants. For this reason, in this commercial article.

we intend to discuss the issue of sunflower seed clearance from customs, which is included in the goods clearance service of Sultan Yaqut Company and is considered a specialized and important process.

Sunflower seeds are a rich source of omega-3, vitamins, minerals and essential oils for the human body and have a hot and dry nature. If you want to get acquainted .

with the properties of this valuable plant product and get information about the trade and customs clearance of sunflower seeds, stay with us until the end of the article.
In our country, the production of sunflower seeds is in a good condition.


and the volume of produced products, in addition to covering a large part of the domestic demand, is also supplied to the foreign market. Khoi city in our country is considered.

to be the hub of sunflower seed production and has the largest amount of sunflower cultivation area in the whole country.

Iranian sunflower seeds are of very high quality and have attracted many fans. The export of sunflower seeds from Iran to Iraq and Afghanistan is popular.

Despite the sufficient domestic production of sunflowers to meet the country’s needs, the import of these products to Iran is also common.

and a large amount of foreign currency is taken out of the country for this purpose every year.

The import of sunflower seeds is considered one of the most important commercial lines in Iran.

and despite the saturation of the market in the field of seed production and supply, Iranian businessmen continue their activities in this field.

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