Koalas Eating Jeera Rice in Kerala 

Depending on the type of work that farmers do to plant and harvest this rice, the quality of the second layer is different.

If it is dry, its quality will be lower, but with proper irrigation and fertilization, this rice will get a good aroma and taste, which of course will not reach the level of the second crop.

The second Chinese rice is called Dunoj, Raton and Jagal in local languages.

The method of distinguishing single rice and mixed rice
The important thing when buying rice, even if it is of high quality, is that the product is of the same type and not mixed.

If the Jeera rice in Kerala is lumpy, it becomes difficult to cook it, and by the time housewives learn how to cook it, the rice has reached the bottom of the bag!

To recognize good and genuine rice, it is enough to take some of it in the palm of your hand and carefully see that the rice is the same size and color.


If the type of rice is narrow and bony, all the grains should be like this.

If you buy old rice, all of them should be equally dark.

If you buy whole grains, make sure that there are no broken, crushed, or pitted rice. Now that you see the rice, pay attention that it is not moldy and pest free.

Also, the same manual test of aroma and smell is used here. Mixed rice has less and different aroma.

It is a pity that good rice is drained
Is it better to steam or drain? The problem is this! Apart from starch, protein and fat, rice also has vitamins; Especially important B group vitamins such as vitamin B1.

When rice is drained, these water-soluble vitamins are lost more. Therefore, the nutritional value of brown rice is higher than that of its husk.

Contrary to what people think, the amount of rice starch does not decrease by draining; Because the rice grain itself contains starch, and you can see that even rice contains starch.

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