Have White Teeth With Paddy Straw Mushroom in Odisha

History of paddy straw mushroom in odisha Cultivation According to the reports, button mushroom cultivation of Agaricus Bisporus (A.Bisporus) was done for the first time in France.

but the exact date is not known. This cultivation was carried out on horse manure and in the open air, and gradually these cultivations were transferred to closed spaces.

including caves, because caves are environments with high insulating properties, which makes it warm in winter and cool in summer. Stay and that’s what mushroom cultivation requires.

but greenhouse mushroom cultivation was first invented in Sweden in 1754 and then spread to other parts of Europe. Button mushroom cultivation was introduced to America in 1890, and in 1910.

the first standard mushroom cultivation halls were established there. In these halls, due to the presence of insulated and impermeable walls, the temperature.

humidity and ventilation were completely under control throughout the year. But now it is the Netherlands that is the leader in the field of mushroom cultivation in the world. You can grow mushrooms at home.

regardless of weather and humidity. So, if you have a suitable place for cultivation in your home, it is better to increase your income now. Especially, due to the small size of the production environment.


the obtained mushrooms are of better quality; Mushrooms can be sold at a higher price than supermarkets. • The best time to grow mushrooms at home is between the months of October and December.

but if there are facilities for air conditioning and balancing the temperature of the growing place, it is possible to grow mushrooms in other months of the year. In general, the way of growing mushrooms is its own.

and it can be grown in a dark environment and tolerates any amount of light except direct sunlight. In any case, in the place of mushroom cultivation, in addition to air conditioning, the air temperature of the cultivation environment should be kept between 10-15 degrees. In addition.

the breeding place must be completely clean, washable and free of seams or a place for the breeding of harmful bacteria, insects and fungi. Mushroom • Mushroom growing room: The width of the growing room should be such that you can easily pass through the corridors that are built for it (about 70 cm).

The side reaches the middle of the mushroom bed, and if the mushroom cultivation floors are next to the wall, they place it at a maximum width of 90 cm.

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