The Cost of Average Brick Paver Installation Due to Electricity Shortage

History of bricks (floor bricks) in Iran, the remains of pottery and brick kilns were found in Shush and Silek, Kashan, which date back to the 4th millennium BC.

The word Babylonian brick is the name of the average brick paver installation on which Anharam wrote charters, laws, etc.

It is believed that the first baking of the soil of the walls and the floor of the ovens led to the baking of bricks. The primary brick kilns were undoubtedly.

formed from places where layers of firewood and clay were stacked alternately on top of each other.

Variety of colors in Inab floor brick
The ocher color of the brick, especially in the background, the blue sky of Iran.

creates a striking beauty that can rarely be seen in other materials used in the building, especially in new materials. Clay and brick are patient companions for the people of this region, and they have the memory .

of bitter and sweet days. Because we still haven’t gotten far from the memory of the days when the brick carpet of the courtyard was sprinkled with water every summer afternoon to bring the people .

of the house together to drink evening tea. Although the iron and glass industry has forced us to tolerate unkindness to our historical companion, our natural inclination is to lean on the brick wall.


Floor brick | Traditional floor brick of Gonabad
The price of traditional floor bricks
Advantages of Inab floor bricks
A good brick should ring when it hits another brick
The sound of the bell is a sign of health, density and resistance and the amount of water absorption.
A good brick should resist fire and not melt
The color of a good brick should be uniform
Its surface should be without holes
The hardness of the brick should be enough to not scratch the nails
A good brick should have good resistance against cold
Article 10 of the International Charter for the Protection and Restoration of Monuments and Enclosures (also Charter): If the traditional techniques for protection.

and construction are unsuitable, modern techniques can be used to strengthen a part of the monument, provided that scientific data and experience have shown and confirmed the effectiveness of these techniques.

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