Calacatta Viola Marble; Violet Veins Staining Resistance 3 Colors White Black Gray

Calacatta Viola Marble; Violet Veins Staining Resistance 3 Colors White Black Gray

Calacatta Viola Marble can be used in any room of your home to add a sophisticated, airy feel without compromising comfort like other luxury materials

Calacatta Viola Marble

Calacatta Viola marble is a type of white marble that is found in the Apuan Alps of Italy

It is named for its unique violet veins, which are caused by the presence of manganese in the stone

This marble is prized for its beauty and durability, and has been used in a variety of applications for centuries

It has a high gloss finish that enhances the veining and creates a beautiful and timeless aesthetic

Calacatta Viola marble is also known for its strength and resistance to staining, making it a great option for high-traffic areas

Additionally, this type of marble is very easy to clean and maintain, as it is resistant to scratches and wear and tear

 Calacatta Viola Marble; Violet Veins Staining Resistance 3 Colors White Black Gray

Calacatta Viola Marble Features

Calacatta Viola marble is a metamorphic rock that is composed of recrystallized carbonate minerals

The marble is characterized by its veining, which is caused by the presence of minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and mica


Found in
Apuan Alps of Italy

Named After
Violet Veins

Popularity Reason
Beauty and Durability

Outstanding Feature
Strength and Resistance to Staining

The veining is what gives Calacatta Viola marble its unique and distinctive appearance

It is typically white in color with subtle gray and black veining, and has a high gloss finish that creates an elegant and timeless aesthetic

Calacatta Viola marble is used in a variety of applications, including countertops, flooring, and other architectural features

Calacatta Viola marble is also used in the production of sculptures and jewelry, as well as being used for other decorative objects

 Calacatta Viola Marble; Violet Veins Staining Resistance 3 Colors White Black Gray

Buy Calacatta Viola Marble

Before buying Calacatta Viola marble, it is important to consider a few things

First, it is important to know where it is quarried, as some quarries may have a higher quality of marble than others

It is also important to inspect the marble for any cracks or blemishes, as these can affect the overall look and quality of the marble

Additionally, it is important to consider the cost of the marble, as Calacatta Viola marble can be quite expensive

Lastly, it is important to ensure that the marble is sealed properly, as this will help protect the surface from staining and discoloration

 Calacatta Viola Marble; Violet Veins Staining Resistance 3 Colors White Black Gray

Calacatta Viola Marble Price + Buy and Sell

The price of Calacatta Viola marble can vary depending on the size and quality of the marble, but it is generally more expensive than other types of marble due to its unique features

Generally, prices range from $30 to $100 per square foot for slabs, and between $4 and $10 per square foot for tiles

The price can also be affected by the source of the marble, as some quarries may have higher quality marble than others

Additionally, the price may be affected by the specific finish of the marble, as polished marble will typically cost more than unpolished marble

Lastly, the cost of installation can also affect the overall cost of the marble

You can also order this beautiful and durable stone in bulk

Just contact us!

 Calacatta Viola Marble; Violet Veins Staining Resistance 3 Colors White Black Gray

The Answer to Two Questions About Calacatta Viola Marble

1: What is Calacatta Viola Marble?
It’s a precious marble violet with white and purple colors

2: Where does Calacatta Viola Marble come from?
Captured from one of the oldest marble quarries in Italy