Satvario Italian Marble in India; Bright Theme Cold Nature Quartz Material

Satvario Italian Marble in India; Bright Theme Cold Nature Quartz Material

Satvario Italian Marble in India is derived from the Greek word marmorose, which means shining, and this stone in the world is onyx means transparent

Satvario Italian Marble in India

Satvario Italian marble is one of the most beautiful building stones in the world

Marble is famous and best-selling building stone in Italy

Italy is the birthplace of the most famous marble in the world, including marble

Natural marble stone with a light background color and gray streaks is one of the most beautiful types of marble in Italy and the world

The use of natural stone is common in many structures

But white marble has been seen in many buildings for centuries

Marble is one of the natural stones that has many fans not only in Iran but all over the world

This calcite stone is the result of the transformation and pressure of the earth’s layers

 Satvario Italian Marble in India; Bright Theme Cold Nature Quartz Material

Satvario Italian Marble Features in India

In general, each stone has unique features and characteristics according to its constituent minerals and the way it is formed

Satvario Italian Marble stones are stones that transmit light, which is one of the most obvious features of this type of stone that distinguishes it from other building stones


One of
The Most Beautiful Building Stones in the World

Famous and Best-Selling Building Stone in There

Background Color


But because of its bright theme and cold nature, besides helping to cool the space, it increases blood oxygen and conveys a sense of peace to the space

This stone, which is made of quartz, is the highest quality, most expensive, and rarest building stone due to its high polystability

If it is used in luxurious places, with its high polish and mirror, it enhances the beauty of the space a lot

 Satvario Italian Marble in India; Bright Theme Cold Nature Quartz Material

Buy Satvario Italian Marble in India

Satvario Italian marble stones are produced naturally from heated limestone, and there are calcite crystals in them, which is a soft material suitable for making decorative shapes and sculptures

Due to the existence of calcite crystals, marble is not resistant to sharp objects and gets scratched when tested with a knife

You have the option of finding out the exact amount of stone you need by presenting the project map or of buying and cutting the slabs you want with the least deviation according to the project map

So, it is better to go to reliable stores to make your best purchase

Marble colors do not lose their luster after years of use, and even their appearance becomes more beautiful over time

 Satvario Italian Marble in India; Bright Theme Cold Nature Quartz Material

Satvario Italian Marble Price in India + Buy and Sell

White marble stones, if they have a standard size, will have a high price

Epoxy and lace are used in the process of stone processing to increase the stone’s resistance against breakage and penetration of water and other materials

This processing affects the price of the stone

In this case, the final price will be higher than normal

You have the possibility to find out the exact amount of stone you need by presenting the project map or shopping and cutting the slabs you want with the least deviation according to the project map

We sell Satvario Italian marble at the best price about $58

So, it is better to go to reliable stores to make your best purchase

We sell wholesale Satvario Italian marble

You can contact us to buy in bulk

 Satvario Italian Marble in India; Bright Theme Cold Nature Quartz Material

The Answer to Two Questions About Italian Marble

1: What is special about Italian marble?
Purity, durability, and beautiful white color

2: What is the disadvantage of Italian marble?
Very porous, which makes them susceptible to stains