Carrara Marble in Egypt; Building Decoration Light Background Gray Golden Streaks

Carrara Marble in Egypt; Building Decoration Light Background Gray Golden Streaks

Carrara Marble in Egypt is a type of white or blue-grey marble used for sculpture and building decoration and is also called Luna marble

Carrara Marble in Egypt

Carrara marble quarry is popular in Roman architecture for use in sculpture and building decoration

It has been mined since Roman times in the mountains outside the city of Carrara in the province of Massa and Carrara in Lunigiana, the northernmost tip of present-day Tuscany, Italy

The most famous marble in Egypt and also the world is mostly related to Italy

Carrara marble with a light background color and gray and golden streaks is considered one of the most beautiful marble in Italy and the world

The mining process begins by removing large rocks from the mountain

These blocks are taken to the factory and cut into slabs of various thicknesses

 Carrara Marble in Egypt; Building Decoration Light Background Gray Golden Streaks

Carrara Marble Features in Egypt

In fact, Cararra marble was used to build impressive buildings in Egypt and all around the world

Carrara marble has extraordinary transparency and clarity


Roman Architecture

Sculpture and Building Decoration

20th Century, Fascist Era

Transparency and Clarity

During the Renaissance, artists such as Michelangelo and Donatello used marble, but in the 20th century, at the request of Mussolini, Carrara marble was widely used during the Fascist era

Mussolini chose marble to realize monumental works in the capital

To this day, marble is back in vogue not only for its sturdiness as a material suitable for outdoor use but also for its charm given by the inner brilliance that makes a building shine

As a decorative item, it is ideal for interior coverings and home element designs

 Carrara Marble in Egypt; Building Decoration Light Background Gray Golden Streaks

Buy Carrara Marble in Egypt

Buying and using of Carrara Marble in Egypt depends on the place where it is installed and the specific features

For buying, the style and size of the Marble stone are important

Another main point for choosing this product is its quality

Resistant pressure, the thickness of the stone, and Application of the stone and etc are factors that must be considered

Consider your budget and according to it choose a stone that matches the design and selection place

Ask the buyer to analyze the Marble stone and consider the amount of water absorption and porosity and factors such as abrasion resistance when buying the stone

 Carrara Marble in Egypt; Building Decoration Light Background Gray Golden Streaks

Carrara Marble Price in Egypt + Buy and Sell

Various factors affect the price of Carrara marble in Egypt

The quality of the Marble stone has a great impact on its price

The thickness of the marble stone is another factor that will affect the final price of the stone

Most of the marbles in the market are 2, 3, 4, and 5 cm thick

As a rule, as the thickness of the stone increases, its price increases

The approximate price of 10 square meters in size of 60×60 Carrara Marble is between US$48
00 and US$68

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 Carrara Marble in Egypt; Building Decoration Light Background Gray Golden Streaks

The Answer to Two Questions About Carrara Marble

1: Does Carrara marble react to moisture?
By sealing it, marble, a naturally porous stone, is protected from moisture

2: Does Carrara marble hold up well?
They are sturdy and stain-resistant because they are dense and largely nonporous