Dry Stone Wall Price

Dry Stone Wall Price

Dry stone wall construction does not call for the use of any mortar, in contrast to the wet mortar used in brick wall construction

Dry Stone Wall 

One of the most identifiable and treasured features of rural Britain and Ireland is dry stone walling, which has been in use since the Neolithic period

The oldest examples may have occurred as far back as 5,000 BC

But dry stone walls aren’t exclusive to the British Isles

They are also widely dispersed internationally

They have been discovered in Greece, various parts of Europe, and the alpine regions of the world, and were a part of the Mayan culture in South America

 Dry Stone Wall Price

Dry Stone Wall Features

Dry stone walls are more prevalent in places where trees and hedges struggle to grow because of the altitude or temperature, and dry stone walls are most prevalent in these places as well


Neolithic Period

Loss of Height Reason
Weather, Animals, and Humans

3 Types

25 KG

By acting as a linear link across an agricultural landscape, these walls can increase the variety of habitats that a wide range of animals has access to

They provide cover and bare ground for young plants to germinate with its features

On the bare rock of dry stone walls, numerous varieties of lichens, liverworts, and mosses flourish

In the shallow, nutrient-deficient soil that might develop in the spaces between stones as a wall age, wildflowers can thrive

A dry stone wall can produce a variety of microclimates; those that face south are great for sun-loving insects and sunbathing (and hibernating) reptiles

A patch of rough grass immediately near dry stone walls is beneficial to amphibians, reptiles, and a few species of insects

Greater crevices may house rats and birds, while smaller gaps provide insects with a moist, safe home

However, a lot of that value quickly vanishes when walls aren’t maintained and pieces collapse

 Dry Stone Wall Price

Buy Dry Stone Wall 

To buy this Maintenance is necessary for freestanding dry stone walls to keep their structural integrity and continuous importance for wildlife

Walls that have fallen into disrepair can be more beneficial to animals than those in better condition because of the increased number of crevices created by missing stones

Loss of height due to weather, animals, and humans can occur rapidly if they are out of shape, thus diminishing their value to wildlife

However, it’s worth noting that the resulting rubble piles from crumbling walls might serve as useful hibernation or shelter areas for amphibians and reptiles

Stonewall maintenance and removal of stone heaps are best done in the spring and summer when most wildlife is active and not in hibernation


 Dry Stone Wall Price

Dry Stone Wall Price + Buy and Sell

There are three distinct varieties of slate dry stone walling stone that we provide

If you’re doing it yourself or need the highest quality, our Medium Walling Stone is the way to go

Our chosen stones are chosen for their good building face and are set between 100 and 300mm deep into the wall

When cost-efficiency is paramount, utilize our Garden Hedging Stone

These stones are less expensive because they were culled because weighed less than 25 kg

Our large hedging stone works best for massive dry stone walls and hedges, like those used in agriculture

They tend to be bulkier, with sections that are sometimes too big to move without special equipment or separating

If you have any questions about the available possibilities for customizing, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have

The Answer to Two Questions About Stone Wall 

1: What is the reason of loss of height in stone wall?
Weather, Animals, and Humans

2: How deep does It go into the wall?
100 and 300mm