Finding Saffron Spice in Kenya in a Cave

A little about saffron
As mentioned in the article “Iranian saffron”, saffron dates back to 3500 years ago. According to many, the main origin of saffron was Iran. According to historical documents.

saffron planting became popular in Qom since the Sassanid era.

In general, in old Iran, saffron cultivation was very popular in the central regions. After Iran, the first saffron was cultivated in Syria, Islamic Spain and North Africa.

It is said that Iranian tribes such as Rostamians have been very influential in transmitting and spreading the culture of saffron and curry saffron.


Types of saffron and its products
Saffron is divided into different types. This division is usually based on how to separate the stigma from the saffron cream. The higher the purity of saffron, the better its coloring and taste will be.

and its price will also increase. Types of saffron are:

Compositions of saffron
Saffron has been distinguished from other plants due to its special compounds.

The quality of saffron is measured with the help of well equipped laboratories. The higher the percentage of these compounds, the higher the quality of saffron and the more properties it has.

The composition of saffron is as follows:

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