Introduction of crystal jewelry types + purchase price of the day

Introduction of crystal jewelry types + purchase price of the day

The term crystal might remind you of its natural healing power but also its raw form is widely used in jewelry

Before crystal is looked into as used in jewelry or other fields, we need to understand its nature of it

Based on IGS definition, Crystal is a mineral composed of a batch of atoms or molecules that are inter-connected widely in an ordered pattern and is usually transparent in their nature

Crystal has numerous sizes, shapes, and structures
The longest size for crystal axis could range from 50 to 300 µm

this sizing is based on the coarsest layers found in different mines but most layers of crystals found in mines are categorized as narrow with sizes between 150 to 220 µm

 Introduction of crystal jewelry types + purchase price of the day

crystal is widely believed around the world to have healing or fortune power and its power differs based on different beliefs in different cultures

However, this idea has no scientific basis, but in this article, we shortly go through its magical powers in various cultures and faiths

According to these beliefs, whether one uses crystals in jewelry, meditation, or as accessories, he could enjoy its magical power in fortune, energy or etc

Healing Crystal Jewellery

The use of crystals in jewelry dates back to ancient times and from then, people, especially the ones with less strong religious faiths, believed in the magical or healing powers of crystal stone and whether used in jewelry or meditation or as accessories in your home, could contribute largely in healing physical, spiritual or emotional powers in your body

This is because it interacts perfectly with your body’s energy

This connection could therefore help relieve stress or improve concentration or level of creativity

In jewelry, crystal can be used in gems of bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and other precious accessories

So there is a wide variety of choices for one to enjoy the energetic, emotional, or healing powers of crystals

The price of crystal in jewelry per gram starts from 5$ on and could reach 30$ per crystal and the quality widely depends on the source, type, and extraction method used

 Introduction of crystal jewelry types + purchase price of the day

A number of crystal types with a high level of energy are Amethyst, Aventurine, Celestite, kunzite, lepidolite, and peridot which could boost your happiness energy to the highest levels

the use of crystal in healing has no scientific basis but it is a very popular term amongst believers of this mentality

Handmade Crystal Jewellery

There are two types of methods for jewelry making

machine made and handmade or homemade

The two methods are exclusively favored by specific groups of people

The implementation of handmade crystals as jewelry causes one to have more valuable items for future generations since a lot of attention and care has been deployed to produce it, Also, it is unique in its kind and natural manmade products get more valuable as time passes

They are less expensive at the time and could be customized by customers to different formats and sizes
Also, they are made with a lot more attention and care

Besides all these advantages, there are a few disadvantages like credibility level and the brand value which is questioned

Also, machine-made crystal jewelry is more reliable and harder

Despite all disadvantages, manmade crystal jewelry yet remains among the most favorable ones

Raw Crystal Jewellery

Raw crystal in jewelry has a wide variety of usages because of its unique untouched shape and also its naturality that makes it so popular

The pure look presented by its extracted shape which Is fully unaltered by humans makes it so unique and is believed to have more energy in it

besides, the healing power is believed to be a lot more in crystals’ natural forms

Raw crystal is also used in therapy in order to calm your nerves and relax them

 Introduction of crystal jewelry types + purchase price of the day

The most common way to use crystal is in decoration that causes the whole atmosphere around you to be full of energy and healing power

Also, raw crystal is so prevailing in creating love between two people and its magical energy can cause any person to fall in love with you

Different areas of effect by crystal stones are mental, feeling, body and spirit

Regarding the numerous areas of effect by crystal stone, it is strongly suggested by believers and can release all negative energy and cause everlasting energy and happiness

Spiritual Crystal Jewellery

The use of crystal stones in spiritual beliefs has been there for thousands of years and in each Religion, there is specific jewelry with a symbolic meaning

For example: in Christianity, the symbolic jewelry represents the well-known cross or in Islam, there are various types of jewelry, and among which, the Allah sign is the most famous one

In the Jewish religion, the spiritual symbols could be rings with stars belonging to David or necklaces of Hamsa

Since crystals have transparent patterns, they are perfect options for use as spiritual jewelry

The wide range of uses expressed for crystal stones in matters related to healing, spirituality, fortune, and energy has brought about a huge number of customers for this transparent stone around the globe

The handmade form of crystal also is more attractive since it is more worked on and is easily customized by buyers in any shape and size

Its healing power is believed by a large number of believers around the world and also there are many religious symbols made of crystals

The raw form of crystal stones, because is considered untouched and reminds one of true nature, has its own fans around the world

 Introduction of crystal jewelry types + purchase price of the day

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