Katni Marble in Katni; Polishability Beauty High Transparency Calcium Carbonate Material

Katni Marble in Katni; Polishability Beauty High Transparency Calcium Carbonate Material

Katni marble in Katni is obtained from the transformation of limestone and the most important mineral that forms marble is calcium carbonate

Katni Marble in Katni

Calcium carbonate has unique properties that make Katni marble stand out from other stones

One of the important features that calcium carbonate gives to marble in a stable state is light transmission

Another feature of marble is its polishability, beauty, and high transparency

It is a kind of metamorphic rock that is the result of the regional transformation of clayey limestone and dolomite rocks

The marble can be seen in light to dark colors such as cream, red, brown, pink, black, mustard, green, etc because of the presence of impurities

The marble is suitable for interior and exterior facades and carpet floors

 Katni Marble in Katni; Polishability Beauty High Transparency Calcium Carbonate Material

Katni Marble Features in Katni

Most marbles have a compressive strength of about 60 to 200 MPA and are usually very durable if used in dry weather conditions

There are different types of Katni marble, each of which is suitable for specific conditions and applications


Calcium Carbonate

Polishability, Beauty, High Transparency

Compressive Strength
60 to 200 MPA

Thermal Tolerance
Between 400 and 800 Degrees Celsius

The high polishability of marble and its smooth surface has made it not absorb dust and can be easily cleaned

The variety of different marble colors due to the presence of different Connie has made it attract different tastes

Marble has a very resistant crystal structure and its porosity or permeability is very low

The thermal tolerance of the stone is between 400 and 800 degrees Celsius, which is relatively high in resistance

 Katni Marble in Katni; Polishability Beauty High Transparency Calcium Carbonate Material

Buy Katni Marble in Katni

Buying Katni marble in Katni is one of the important pillars of construction

Various factors are involved in choosing the required stone for the building, including the value of the related project and the location of the building

Another important thing to consider when choosing and buying marble and other stones is the quality of stone processing and the precision used during this process

The proper quality of the stone and its brilliance will increase the value of the property

Also, the edges of the stone must be healthy

If the edges of the stone are broken, the stone will be ugly and will have a negative effect on its quality and beauty

Thickness is important in terms of transportation and installation

 Katni Marble in Katni; Polishability Beauty High Transparency Calcium Carbonate Material

Katni Marble Price in Katni + Buy and Sell

Katni marble is produced in different colors and has different prices in Katni

The important factors affecting the price of marble are quality, color, design, diameter and dimensions, type of processing, etc

Consider the website that sells a stone authenticity guarantee, price guarantee, on-time delivery, etc

The price of Katni marble is calculated with the daily price due to the economic situation

The approximate price of 1
0 square feet of Katni marble is between US$1
90 and US$2

This site is one of the reputable websites that customers can trust easily because it has enough experience in the field of buying and selling

For more information, contact us

 Katni Marble in Katni; Polishability Beauty High Transparency Calcium Carbonate Material

The Answer to Two Questions About Katni Marble

1: What is the reason for the different colors of marble?
The marble can be seen in light to dark colors such as cream, red, brown, pink, black, mustard, green, etc because of the presence of impurities

2: What is the price of marble?
The approximate price of 1
0 square feet of Katni marble is between US$1
90 and US$2