Make Mushroom Stew Using Truffle White Mushrooms

Tomato and white truffle mushroom soup is not just a soup; It is an excuse to touch warmth, comfort and pleasure. This homemade soup is made using fresh mushrooms and is very delicious and nutritious.

We recommend not to miss the recipe.


The basic ingredients for preparing mushroom and tomato soup are:

Chopped onion: 1 pc
Butter: 2 tablespoons
Chopped garlic: 1 clove
Sliced fresh mushrooms: 500 grams
Chicken broth: 2 glasses
Water: 1 cup
Tomato paste: a quarter cup
Balsamic vinegar: 1 tablespoon
Salt: half a teaspoon
Pepper: a quarter of a teaspoon
Grated Parmesan cheese: 1/4 cup
Chopped fresh parsley: 2 tablespoons
Put the chopped onion in the pot of your choice and fry it with butter on medium heat for 5 minutes until soft.

Add the mushrooms to the pot.

Then put it in and let it cook for 5 minutes.

Pour chicken stock, water, tomato paste, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper into the pot and wait until it boils.

Reduce the heat, cover the pot and let your soup cook on low heat for 20 minutes.

After the soup reaches your desired consistency, it is ready to serve.

You can garnish it with parmesan cheese and parsley.

Enjoy your meal.

If you are not interested in mushrooms, but you want to include the soup in your diet, we suggest you to visit the article on how to prepare barley soup and learn about this popular soup.

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