Mountaineers Found the Crema Marfil Marble in the Alps

For thousands of years, nature has crema marfil marble been responsible for providing different shapes and colors of marble. Therefore, marble has always been a unique and rare mineral.

Marble, which is mostly composed of calcium carbonate, has been used for years because of its beauty and high resistance in building construction and as a decorative material.

This precious stone is obtained from both open and underground mines. The methods of mining and the size of the mined blocks depend on the conditions .

of the mine. Marble extraction is usually done with vertical cuts, but in some cases, horizontal cuts should also be used. Whether the cuts are horizontal or vertical depends on the structure of the area.

Classification of marble blocks
After extracting each block from the mine, they are classified according to certain characteristics:

Block size
Block weight
The number of veins (the lower the number of veins, the higher the quality of the marble)
Cleanliness (cleanliness refers to stone without stains)
The Turks
For example, a high-quality marble is a stone with a lighter color and almost no streaks. The price of each marble slab is determined according to the floor in which it is placed.

2. Transfer and discharge of marble at the processing site
Transfer and discharge of marble at the processing site

After the marble blocks are extracted from the quarry, they must be transported to the factory by heavy-duty trucks to be processed. At each manufacturing plant.

the blocks are unloaded and graded prior to cutting. Due to the large dimensions and high weight of marble blocks, cranes and special machines must be used during all stages of loading, unloading and processing.

The blocks should be kept in the open area of the factory until the next step, which is stone processing.

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