The Disappearance of Cashmere Termeh Fabric in Yazd

Cashmere is a kind of precious termeh fabric woven from very delicate silk fibers, which is one of the exquisite textile handicrafts of Iran.

Cashmere is woven with various designs in Iran, in Yazd and Kerman, but nowadays it is produced only in Yazd, and Yazd cashmere is famous for its beauty.

They use high quality silk and wool with long fibers for cashmere weaving.

Yarns are dyed with natural dyes and natural synthetic materials, mostly in purple, red, green, orange and black colors. Some of the diverse patterns .

of cashmere weaving include Bete Jaqe, Shah Abbasi flowers, Bete Kharqa, Deer Horn, Amiri, Stripes (Mahramat), Bete Sarvari and Bete Badami.

Cashmere fabric refers to a delicate and delicate fabric that is made of two series of warp and weft threads that are woven by hand in such a way that the weft.


on the back of the fabric is free and the density of the weft is high. It is made of fluff and wool or silk with Original and traditional designs of Iran.

Cashmere weaving has been common in Yazd since ancient times, and the people of Yazd city use this type of weaving in their lives, traditions, rituals and ceremonies in a way .

that is always of special importance to Khordar. Cashmere cloth is kept as a financial support from generation to generation in girls’ dowry.

Also, during the days of Muharram, the people of Yazd hang hand-woven cashmere cloths on the flags that are carried in mourning processions, and it remains until the end of mourning, or cashmere is always used to prepare Janmaz.

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