Tomato Paste in Russia Made Eating a Feast

Calories in one tablespoon of tomato paste are relatively low. This amount of paste is almost less than 14 calories and that is why tomato paste in russia is a useful food for diabetes.

Also, tomato paste does not contain any fat. However, the amount of vitamin A in a tablespoon of tomato paste is very impressive.

This amount is estimated to be approximately 244 units. Although the amount of vitamin C in fresh tomatoes is much higher than tomato paste.

it should be said that one spoon of tomato paste contains 3.5 mg of vitamin C. This amount of vitamin C is relatively high for one tablespoon of a food item.

Tomato paste contains vitamin K and various B vitamins. The amount of iron in one tablespoon of it is approximately 5 mg. Among the other benefits of this food is the high amount of potassium in it.

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Tomato paste is the best source of lycopene

Tomato paste is the best source of lycopene

Tomato paste is considered as the best natural source of lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant from the vitamin A family. Half a cup of tomato paste has about 30 micrograms of lycopene.

This powerful antioxidant is very effective in eliminating harmful free radicals in the body. Lycopene prevents stomach, lung, prostate cancer and stroke.


Tomato paste has many benefits in the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer. Research has shown that people who consume more.

lycopene have a lower risk of prostate cancer due to the high levels of the antioxidant. Lycopene also reduces the risk of stroke in men. Tomato paste contains large amounts of lycopene.

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High levels of vitamin C, including the benefits of tomato paste

Vitamin C in tomato paste is very high. One of the properties and benefits of vitamin C is the high amount of antioxidants in it. Vitamin C can produce collagen and is very effective in smoothing and firming the skin. One tablespoon of tomato paste contains approximately 3.5 mg of vitamin C.

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