Whiten Your Teeth with Urea Fertilizer in Pakistan Today 

What is urea fertilizer? Chemical urea fertilizer in pakistan today are divided into different types based on their ingredients (mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and the purpose of adding them to the soil.

can be considered to compensate for the lack of elements needed for plant growth. Choosing the right chemical fertilizer requires knowing the characteristics and properties of the soil.

this knowledge is usually done through sampling the desired soil and determining important parameters such as pH, amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.

Due to the widespread use of urea fertilizer among farmers, in the rest of the article, we intend to investigate the properties and characteristics of this fertilizer.

its effects and its consumption in fruit trees, corn, rice and other agricultural products.

Properties and features:
As mentioned, nitrogen is the main ingredient of nitrogen fertilizers and is considered one of the main elements of plant growth. Urea fertilizer contains 46% of nitrogen and is known as a rich source.

of this element. Its appearance is white crystals and it is made of ammonia. and carbon dioxide is formed. These fertilizers have a high solubility (1079 grams per liter at 20 degrees Celsius).

Therefore, in addition to the soil, they can also be absorbed through the plant foliage, of course, to increase the amount of nitrogen absorption.

the method of injection into the soil is always recommended. In the following text, we will examine its production method.


Production method:
As mentioned, urea is produced using ammonia and carbon dioxide under high pressure in two steps according to the following reactions.

The flow of urea exiting from the reaction contains CO2, NH3 and ammonium carbamate, which are decomposed into ammonia and carbon dioxide by heating.

and the mentioned materials are recovered from the exit flow to be returned to the reaction to concentrate the produced urea. The general schematic of this You can see the process in the image below:

Ammonia recovery in urea fertilizer production

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