Wood Look Ceramic Tile; Clay Water Feldspar Material Humid Cold Places

Wood Look Ceramic Tile; Clay Water Feldspar Material Humid Cold Places

Wood Look Ceramic Tile could corner the market for customers who are interested in a natural look view and looking for durable materials

Wood Look Ceramic Tile

The ceramic tile which is offered in a wood look pattern is the choice of most customers

Over the past few years, ceramic tile is manufactured in numerous shapes, patterns, and designs such as metal, brick, and wood to name but a few

These clay-made panels become a successful trend in the construction industry

The ceramic tile is made of clay, water, and feldspar to be used in different applications after a long and calculated process

The resulting ceramic tile is generally made of two major parts: glazing part and bisque

Whereas ceramic tiles can be used for walls and floors, wood look ceramic tiles are mostly used for flooring

 Wood Look Ceramic Tile; Clay Water Feldspar Material Humid Cold Places

Wood Look Ceramic Tile Features

Like any product, the wood look ceramic tiles have special features that help customers to find the best-suited one

The reason for the popularity of wood look ceramic tile is the advantages it has compared to old flooring materials such as parquet


Manufactured in
Numerous Shapes, Patterns and Designs

Metal, Brick and Wood

Wood Look

Made of
Clay, Water and Feldspar

Using wood look ceramic tiles can solve some of the wood problems as flooring and also it is sometimes outdone compared to wood parquets

The wood look ceramic tile ensures the customers’ requirement for a natural look industrial material to change the whole design of the house

Contrary to popular belief, these tiles can act better than natural wood since the water absorption of tiles can be measured for humid or very cold places

Having less water absorption can assure you of the longevity of your flooring or wall

 Wood Look Ceramic Tile; Clay Water Feldspar Material Humid Cold Places

Buy Wood Look Ceramic Tile

You must assure that the wood look ceramic tile you are going to buy can meet your requirements in a practical manner

The tendency of global customers for the traditional atmosphere of house guides the ceramic tile manufacturers to produce more wood look tiles

Since these tiles are mostly used for flooring, it is better to use tiles with higher PEI (Porcelain Enamels Institute)

There is an international standard for the hardness of tiles as they are measured from 0 to 5

A wood look ceramic tile with 0 PEI is not proper for flooring and it is recommended for walls

The ceramic tile with 5 PEI is hard enough that can stand up to exterior applications

For residential areas, it is suggested to use ceramic tiles with 2 or 3 PEI

 Wood Look Ceramic Tile; Clay Water Feldspar Material Humid Cold Places

Wood Look Ceramic Tile Price + Buy and Sell

Based on the quality, quantity, and region, the price of wood look ceramic tile can be various

Customers would like to use these excellent wood look tiles in place of old parquets

Although the price of the mentioned tile has been raised, customers still like to have them because of their durability and water absorption

The wood look ceramic tile is measured per square meter and they start from $ 0
5 to $ 2

Though it is possible to find cheaper or more expensive tiles, money is not the only decision-making factor

Mostly quality is more important for customers

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 Wood Look Ceramic Tile; Clay Water Feldspar Material Humid Cold Places

The Answer to Two Questions About Ceramic Tile

1: What should you not use on ceramic tile?
Bleach or ammonia based cleaners, or anything that’s oil-based

2: What is the life expectancy of ceramic tile?
50 years or more!